Martin Luther King Jr Reading: Informational Text and Activities

Martin Luther King Jr Informational Text and Activities is a Common Core connected set of informational text and activities focused on the life and legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day holiday. It also provides for differentiation as it includes both written text and a link to an audio version. Students can access the audio text on a Mac or Windows device and follow along as the text is highlighted while they listen. In this exciting activity pack you get:

  • A flexible packet full of options, do as many or as few of the activities as you wish.
  • An information packed, carefully researched text about Martin’s life and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
  • Key vocabulary appears in bold text with a glossary at the end
  • Follow-up comprehension questions requiring close reading and higher level thinking
  • A timeline activity and crossword puzzle; both drive students to repeated reading of the text
  • A true/false quiz
  • A fun word search
  • Answer keys for all
  • A “share your own dream” reflective activity
  • A graphic organizer for further research; it can be use with this or any informational text and/or research activity
  • An editing checklist, including a bank of commonly misspelled words
  • Lined and unlined themed paper for writing or other projects

**BONUS: This packet includes my four-page ‘Close Reading Informational Text: A Common Core Graphic Organizer for Any Text’, sold separately in my store, but included here at no additional charge. This user-friendly tool can be used with any informational or non-fiction text on any subject.

‘Close Reading Informational Text: A Common Core Graphic Organizer for Any Text’ can be completed in one session or done over a period of days. It hits the goals of repeated close reading, vocabulary building and in-depth comprehension with repeated returns to the text embedded in the activities. Suitable for a wide range of ages from late elementary through middle school and beyond. It is perfect for substitute teachers and homeschooling families or anyone who appreciates carefully scaffolded activities.
