Back To School Freebies

Recently I dove into the world of Pinterest, and I am amazed by all of the creative teaching resources out there! I have come across so many fun free ideas for Back to School that the big question is, “Which ones should I choose to use the first week of school in my classroom?” What a nice dilemma to have! While I will be sure to continue to use my tried and true, “Can You Spare A Square?” activity both for the fun factor as well as for its “getting to know you” value, I can’t wait to try this one:


The possibilities are endless with this fun first day activity!

I am anxious to see what my students do with this, as it looks to me like there are so many possibilities. Perhaps a face, a flower in a garden, a frog….who knows?! I will let you know what my students come up with. I think kids will enjoy this one, and it will tell me something about how they respond to an open-ended task such as this. If you’d like to give it a try too, click on the picture above to download it.

All Hands In!

And how about this for a colorful and unique bulletin board display from Teaching In Room 6! Complete instructions can be found here. I think my students will find this to be a lot of fun. It gives everyone a chance to express their individuality and creativity, and it will make an excellent display for Open House!

Off to work on my current project, an informational text and activity lesson for Constitution Day, September 17. As usual, I am learning all kinds of new things as I work on this topic!

Speaking of Back To School, don’t miss my free activity, the Me Box project. It’s become a tried and true favorite!


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